I discovered photography at the age of 12 after I received a chemistry set for Christmas. I used some old 6 x 9 negatives I found at my grandmother’s home and made my first cyanotype. I then decided to take my own photographs using my parents camera. When I was 16, during my holidays, I worked in a factory for 2 months and bought my first reflex camera which was a Zenith E with a 50mm Helios lens. On leaving school I bought my first Nikon. I have continued to use this make of camera to the present day. I have completed a 15 weeks course in Photography at the 'Centre Jean Verdier 'in Paris. I then met a Still-life photographer who worked in a large studio in Paris using a Sinar 8 x 10 . I took every opportunity to assist him this experience I found very enjoyable and informative.
Book: Proponent of "Un monde de douceurs" for "Médecins du Monde".
1st Prize of Photo Contest organized by Fotoskoda (Prague, Czech Republic)
1st Prize of Photo Contest organized by the city of La Rochelle (La Rochelle, France)
Some of my pictures used by the press with the Creative Commons License...